It’s officially a new year! Time to think on 2020, the year ahead of me, while processing the one behind.

And a new year always signifies a big reset. It’s a time to review the wins, misses, and opportunities of the last 12 months so I can build a plan tackling weaknesses & building my strengths. An internal SWOT analysis, as it were.

2019 was filled with several fun adventures:

Last year also saw the strengthening of key relationships and the expansion of my professional network. And while this past year was full of giggles, grins, & new experiences, there were a few mishaps along the way (see my 5 worse travel memories of 2019 for more details & a few chuckles at my expense). But all in all, I have to say, 2019 was good to me.😊

For 2020, my year ahead outlook is one of continual focus, continual growth, & continual success for The Spirited Traveler. I won’t give too much away, but I have even bigger plans for The Spirited Traveler. Some of you have reached out to me along the way last year and I listened!  This year I plan to:

  1. Be more consistent with my blog posting schedule
  2. Introduce a new monthly feature, which will require me to plum the depths of my creativity.
  3. Bring more personal features & insights (this one is a bit scary, but I have to give the people what they want!)

Oh, and my birthday trip this will be EPIC!!!! I’m still in the planning phases, but this one is huge! So big, I may tell you where I’m going ahead of time–which is something I’ve never done before! 😉.

I’m so excited to have you all along for the ride. I can’t thank you enough for your love & support. I couldn’t do this without you all. So cheers 🥂 & here’s to 2020, the year ahead!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Spirited Traveler’s mailing list & get my Travel Planner free! This is the ESSENTIAL tool used to plan all my excursions.



Travel lover, cocktail enthusiast, & joy seeker, inspiring others to sip, savor, & explore

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