I’m fresh off my first trip to the Caribbean and now thoughts of Tiki drinks are running through my head.  While on my trip, I was  immersed in rum–a liquor I’ve never really cared for. However, the tide has turned as I really enjoyed all the Dominican Republic rums & rum concoctions I sampled on my trip. Once I got back stateside, I went to my favorite watering hole, The Second Line, and decided to keep the rum party going. I bellied up to the bar, ordered my FAVORITE meal (the catfish with red beans & rice #yum) and decided to try a Tiki drink.  I went with a heavy rum laced drink called Tiki Time.

Now, I’ll be honest, I fully expected to NOT like this drink. I ordered it because (1) I wanted to continue my rum experience and (2) I have never had a bad drink at The Second Line. Never. And I was not disappointed. I love this rum concoction so much that it is my April cocktail of the month!

Tiki Drinks: Tiki Time Background & Recipe

Bartender Sam  was tasked with creating a delicious rum-based drink for the summer, so he decided to combine elements of a Zombie (apricot & orange) with a Mojito (lime & mint).  He went into the lab, worked his magic, and out came the goodness that is Tiki Time. This drink is surprising refreshing and light. Very well balanced, the flavors play really well together and compliment each other. I love the freshness of it, I’m back on the beach while I sip it.  And I’ll warn you now, this is the perfect summer drink, but it is not a light weight.  This drink, with the exception of a bit of lime juice is 100% pure leaded.  Enjoy responsibly, but enjoy it you will. 🙂


  • Gosling Black Seal rum- 1.5 oz
  • Ron Caldas rum- 2 oz
  • Apricot liqueur 1/2 oz
  • Velvet Falernum 1/4 oz
  • Lime juice- 1/2 oz
  • Orange slices
  • Mint

How To

  1. You start with 1/2 oz of lime juice in a glass, add in some orange slices and mint. Then muddle the heck out of it!  I learned by watching Sam that I’ve been too gentle in my muddle technique. You have to really get in there, I was told.  So get in there!
  2. Next add in the Velvet Falernum, the apricot liqueur, and the Ron Caldas and give it a good shake using a cocktail shaker.
  3. Once combined well, pour it over ice into a collins glass.
  4. Float the 1.5 oz of Goslings Black Seal on the top
  5. Add a cute blue mermaid to the side and enjoy!

Do yourself a favor, head over to The Second Line the next time you’re in Memphis, order up something delicious (you really can’t go wrong with the catfish and red beans & rice) and have Sam, or any of the talented bartenders, whip you up a Tiki Time.  Be sure to tell them the Spirited Traveler sent ya!

Oh, and once you try it, come back here and drop me a comment with your impressions. There just may be something in it for those that do. 😉



Travel lover, cocktail enthusiast, & joy seeker, inspiring others to sip, savor, & explore


  1. OMG that sounds so good! I am a rum girl and I love Mojitos. I definitely wanna try this

    • The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

      You must Heidi, you won’t regret it!

  2. Rebecca Hall (Bex) – Athens, Greece – A freelance blogger and travel writer, Rough Guide Co-author, I am the creator of the award-winning LifeBeyondBordersBlog.com and live in the fantastic country of Greece.

    Those ingredients have my mouth watering! Who knew orange and mint were such a good combination too.

    • The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

      The fresh ingredients absolutely make this drink!

  3. Neat name for a cocktail! It sounds very delicious indeed, and, indeed, the perfect summer refresher. So long as you don’t overdo it naturally!

    • The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

      Right Joe, you only need one of these drinks and you are feeling fine. 🙂

  4. Jorge Bastos – Porto – Hello, We are Jorge & Claudia, a Portuguese couple living in Porto. We love to travel and created this site to share the best travel tips and inspire everyone to travel. As Portuguese we want you to come and see why Portugal is trending!

    Apricot and lime? That’s an interesting cocktail… It looks refreshing

    • The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

      Very! Fresh ingredients are key to a good craft cocktail.

  5. Danijela's Glimpses – Belgrade, Serbia – Journalist In Love With The World

    I hear you! Fell in love with a bit of rum ever since coming back from Cuba. ☺ This sounds like something I’d like. Love the name as well. 😉

    • The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

      Cuba! I am itching to visit there, and I’d love to give their rum a try as well. And the Tiki Time is such a fun cocktail, the name perfectly suits it.

  6. The Spirited Traveler – Writer•Traveler•Reveler•Cocktail Enthusiast

    Cuba! I am itching to visit there, and I’d love to give their rum a try as well. And the Tiki Time is such a fun cocktail, the name perfectly suits it.

  7. Cat – Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Hi! I am Cat, a food lover and adventure-seeking traveler, who moved to Calgary not long ago to start a new life with my husband, Kev. Together we embarked on an exciting journey to unearth hidden culinary gems and less-explored destinations around the world.

    I love his creative and experimental spirit! The drink combines all the fruits I love – I imagine it being extra delicious!

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