Today is Mardi Gras, otherwise known as Fat Tuesday, & it marks the last day before Lent. In other words, it’s the last day of fun and revelry before religious fasting sets in. I’ve never been to New Orleans during Carnival season, but I do plan to go one day. And since I couldn’t attend this year, in the spirit of Mardi Gras, I invited my good friend (& drinking buddy) Nathon Tipton over to share his wealth of knowlegde on all things Mardi Gras related. Catch our interviews below + a recipe for a Mardi Gras tradition, Bourbon Milk Punch.

And in case you missed my other Mardi Gras feature, you can check it out here:
4 Mardi Gras Cocktails Guaranteed to get you in the Spirit

Spirit of Mardi Gras: Throws & Dubloons

First up, an interview on the tradition of throws & dubloons during Carnival parade season. I knew NOTHING about dubloons, so of course I now want to collect them all! 😀  One thing I found exceptionally interesting in his dubloon collection is a invitation to the 1979 Mardi Gras ball which was hosted by my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., during our 35th National convention. He also has several specially minted dubloons Delta had commissioned that year.

The Spirit of Mardi Gras: The Beginning & the Krewes

Now, here’s a bit from Nathan on the beginnings of Mardi Gras and Krewe life. Who else knew Mardi Gras actually began in Mobile, AL??

Bourbon Milk Punch Recipe

Adding the ice cream to this delicious, and decadent, cocktail.

Speaking of Mardi Gras traditions, Milk Punch is definitely one you want to imbibe at least once.  Here is the recipe I used to make Bourbon Milk Punch milkshakes, courtesy of Louisiana Cooking:


  • 4 cups of whole milk (I used vanilla almond milk instead)
  • 1 cup of bourbon
  • 1/4 cup of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of simple syrup <recipe here>
  • 1 pint of vanilla ice cream
  • nutmeg for garnish


  1. Combine all ingredient, except nutmeg, in a blender
  2. Blend to until thorough mixed (about 10 seconds or so)
  3. Pour mixture into serving glasses, garnish with nutmeg
  4. Enjoy!

**Note, to make this 100% lactose friendly, you can substitute lactose free ice cream or gelato.**

The look on your face when you’re not quite sure about the concoction you just made-LOL. Thankfully, the Bourbon Milk Punch turned out delicious.

Any of you ever been to New Orleans for the carnival festivities? If so, what is your favorite memory? Did you catch any unique throws?


Travel lover, cocktail enthusiast, & joy seeker, inspiring others to sip, savor, & explore

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